Throwback to when my boo was just a tiny baby

Just yesterday I was clearing up some clutter from my phone. So many apps that I don’t even use anymore, all into the bin. One of those apps was a baby sleeping app. One that played white noise and even lullabies. Frankly speaking, it never worked for him. He preferred mommy bouncing him gently!
I remember nights when I would just stay awake nursing him or gently bouncing up and down while walking about the room. There were certain things that absolutely needed to be set. Just like how a stage is set meticulously for a play. The temperature had to be warm but not too warm that he sweats, cool but not too cool that his tiny nose would get cold. I remember the teddy bear night light that would spread a soft pink glow in the dark of the night.  So many things that needed to be set perfectly so that, this little fellow could doze until his next feed at 3 am!  Aah, those were the days.
Don’t get me wrong, when I say that I miss the days when he was just a baby. It’s not that it was all easy peasy. I still remember nights where I would toss and turn because my back would hurt from holding him and bouncing him so that he would settle.  When I say I miss those days, I simply mean I miss being the mommy of a baby. The content look in their eyes after their a good breastfeeding session. The way their teenie fingers curl around our finger. Oh, I could just ramble on and on.
Now that he is a busy-bee, it suddenly feels as if he doesn’t need me as much as he used to. The days where my lil toddler would throw a huge tantrum and then turn to me to express his sadness, his anger, and his boredom, I miss that. I miss that bond. Don’t get me wrong I love how he is growing up to be an independent, loving and compassionate human with a bit of cheekiness. I still love how he looks up to me for appreciation and warmth. I love how he still cuddles close to my chest when we watch a movie together. I guess what I am saying is, if you are a new mom who is tired and worn out, just take a moment to enjoy it, because they grow up too fast. For those reading this, I apologize for rambling on. It’s just me, missing my days being a new mom.

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